North Wells Capital

North Wells Capital, LLC is the investment management affiliate of Urban Innovations. Our leadership team has the real estate investment experience and knowledge to deliver attractive and sustainable risk-adjusted returns. North Wells focuses on executing acquisitions, due diligence and asset management but also emphasizes risk management and preservation of capital as the central parts of its investor- focused model. We seek to capitalize on overlooked opportunities and complexities in the markets we know best, where upside potential outweighs well-managed downside risk.


North Wells Capital is rooted in Urban Innovations’ legacy of pioneering River North in Chicago. Urban Innovations has successfully redeveloped numerous vintage brick and timber loft properties to high-quality market-leading creative offices, many of which they still own and manage today. North Wells Capital was formed to add an investment and asset management focus, drive value creation, and seek new opportunities.

Urban Innovations

Urban Innovations is a Chicago-based real estate service firm specializing in the management, leasing, and construction of creative office spaces desired by today’s most discerning tenants.


Urban Innovations’ owned/managed properties include office buildings and land sites in both Chicago and Milwaukee.  Their expanding portfolio currently totals more than 1 million square feet.